Our Research

In addition to our care activity,
we are attached to research
and innovation in rhythmology.
This explains our desire to keep
a university and academic activity.
We participate in many congresses
and train young doctors to

Our Publications





























  • Predictive value of acute echocardiographic changes for long term efficacy of biventricular pacing. Darondel JMLavergne T, Toussaint JF, PhD, Ait Said M, Passet L, Ollitrault J, Leheuzey JY, Guize L. Circulation Abstract AHA Nov 2002.


  • Arrhythmic cardiomyopathy. Lavergne T, Sebag C, Ollitrault H, Le Heuzey JY, Darondel JM, Piot O, Guize L. Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss. 2001.




AF ESUS study

The main objective of the AF-ESUS study is to compare the prevalence of occult atrial fibrillation detected by an implantable ECG monitor in the course of a cerebral infarction meeting the criteria of ESUS according to Hart, without a source of cardiac embolism (ECG ) major in transesophageal ultrasound and without atrial fibrillation on a 72h Holter ECG placed on admission, between two subgroups: a first subgroup of patients with indirect or potential SCE in OTE and a second subgroup called ” ESUS true ”, without SCE in ETO.

WEAR IT study

This is an observational, multicenter study of routine care. post-marketing, requested by the Haute Autorité de Santé for the re-registration of LifeVest (r) on the list of reimbursable products.